Deltabell Plus Backlight and External Sounder Module
The Deltabell PLUS provides light to cover to provide around the clock visual deterrent A number of engineer friendly features; the unique levelling mechanism and modular components now make simple sounder installation a reality for you.
- Piezo sounder technology
- 3 Way tamper action
- Universal triggering inputs
- Supplied with rechargeable battery
- Engineer hold off
- Remote engineer hold off input
- Backlight
Fully backlit - When used with backplate base of the Deltabell Plus is backlit constantly, providing free advertising for your company
Piezo sounders with high decibel output - Belle: 118dBa. Decibell E/ Deltabell E / Deltabell Plus: 104dBA.
3 Way tamper action - Activation from front, back, and power supply cut off ensures protection from sabotage attempts. In this situation, the siren will activate independently of the control panel.
Positive/Negative trigger inputs - Can be connected to any output that is positive applied or negative applied on a manufacturers control panel.
Universal triggering inputs - Can be connected to any output on a manufacturers control panel, positive applied, negative applied, positive removed, negative applied.
Supplied with battery - Complete with a backup battery so that even in the event of an intruder sabotage, the bell box will still operate and protect the property.
Siren cut-off timer - The cut off timer is defaulted to 15 minutes to meet industry regulations.
Engineer hold off facility - When first powered with the tamper switch open, the sounder will not activate.
Remote engineer hold off - It is possible to disable the bell box tamper when a control panel is in the engineers men
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